Molly (MDMA) for Beginners

The “Covering My Ass” bit:

If you have never done Molly and are considering, I urge you to forget about it. The bottom line is it can be dangerous and additive. If you are going to try it anyways, this blog is intended to help keep yourself safe and having fun while under the influence of Molly.


Ecstasy TabletsMake sure your Molly is pure, it’s one thing doing pure MDMA but if you just go popping anything that some shady dealer says is MDMA, you’ll likely end up on MDPV, MDMC, PMMC, BZP, mCPP, PMA, PMMA or Methamphetamine.

I never recommend purchasing Ecstasy tablets, you will never find a tab that contains any reasonable amount of pure MDMA. Most will contain <8% and many contain <1% of MDMA.

Pure MDMA in Crystal Form With a Pink HuePure MDMA in the rock crystal from will look something like this, white crystals with a hint of color, in this case pink. Beware long jagged crystals, that’s typically Methamphetamine. Beware darker colors as well, this usually speaks to the purity of the MDMA. It cam come in a range of colors and, white is widely argued to be the best, personally I prefer pink when I can get it.

If you can’t acquire MDMA in the rock crystal form, powder form can be a good alternative. It is nearly impossible to identify just by looking at it so it has to be tested or you better trust your supplier with your life.

Preparation and Consumption:

If you purchased your Molly in rock crystal form you will need to break or grind it up into much smaller pieces, almost a powder but more crystaly. Something like fine, raw sugar. You can use a credit card and a dollar bill just like you would with cocaine. A razor blade can also be handy for shopping and breaking up crystals.

Oral Consumption (swallow):

If you are planning on consuming your MDMA orally you have a few options.

you can swallow plain powder (with or without a capsule),  I recommend grinding the crystals fairly fine for this to help it dissolve once it has reached your stomach.

Alternatively you mix it with a drink (Arizona tea is my personal favorite) just take your powder and stir it in, it doesn’t have to be too fine for this, it’ll dissolve nicely. I usually go with about a shot worth of tea for each point. I would recommend this method for newbies.

Sublingual (dissolve under your tongue):

If you are planning on consuming your MDMA sublingually I definitely don’t recommend doing this too often. I can cause chemical burns under your tongue over time which is quite unpleasant. if you are going to try it make sure to grind up the powder as much as possible. This will help it dissolve and absorb into the capillaries on the the tongue.

Insufflation (snorting):

If you are planning on consuming your MDMA via insufflation I recommend chopping it up as fine as possible to make is snort smoother and help it dissolve into the capillaries of your nasal passage. It will likely burn a lot in comparison to coke so if you have a sensitive nose this is probably not for you.


If you have never done Molly before don’t take more than a point (0.1g or 100mg) to start. Wait at least an hour after your first dose and see how you are feeling.

Depending on how you take it and some other variables it should hit between 10 and 40 minutes after raking it. If you wait an hour and feel nothing after a point, you’ve got some bunk Molly and you’re lucky your not strung out on meth right now.

If it is your first time be very cautious of how much you take. I’d say keep it less than a total of 4 points your first time spread of a 10-18 hour roll. Feel free to do less. But, if you like to push it like me, keep it under 4 point. The first time you roll I would recommend keeping it under 18 hours. It is hard to know how it will effect you until you’ve done it and it can very from user to user. Some suffer severe depression for a few days fallowing your roll and it is worsened by prolonged usage.

The longest I have ever personally gone on molly was about 70 hours. I took about 2.2 grams of MDMA and a point of MDA in that period of time and was consuming lots of vitamins and amino acids to help keep my brain stocked with what it needed to keep the Molly high and because of this it also expedited the recovery period. I would not really recommend prolonged usage like that for anyone but if you must try to party that hard, be sure to keep your brain stocked, read my blog “Intensify the Effects of Molly (MDMA)” for a list of supplements that help with a Molly high.

Don’t do:

  • Chew gum – you won’t be able to stop chewing, even long after the gum is gone
  • Stare at bright lights – you will have a hard time looking away and can damage your vision
  • Go outside in extreme weather – on MDMA it is hard to tell when you are too cold or too hot

Definitely Do:

  • Listening to music (especially with heavy bass)
  • Feeling textures like fabrics and carpet (use your imagination)
  • Smoking Cigarettes or Hookah
  • Conversations with people you like
  • Light visuals (iTunes Visualizer is a good example, lasers can also be fun)
  • Dancing and moving to music
  • Get fresh air (beware doing this in cold weather, you may not realize you’re freezing)
  • Stand in front of a fan or air conditioner
  • Massages (it doesn’t have to be dirty, but can be)
  • Petting or holding animals (snakes are great)
  • Swimming
  • Hot tubbing (watch your body temperature)
  • Talking a shower (especially after snorting MDMA – Helps dissolve the “clump”)

Intensify the Effects of Molly (MDMA)

MDMA is perhaps the funnest substance around. Just one point can have newbies rolling balls, having the time of their life.

This post is intended to provide tips to improve your experience on MDMA. This is not a recommendation to try MDMA, in fact, I don’t recommend trying it, it can be very addictive. If you insist on using MDMA, here is some info that can help.

MDMA Molecular Composition

Let’s start with how it works. In a nut shell MDMA is a stimulant that is absorbed into the blood stream and makes its way to you brain. Once in the brain it makes its way into certain respecters and causes them to release Serotonin and temporally disrupts these receptors from reabsorbing the Serotonin, meaning your brain is flooded with Serotonin, it then causes the release of OxytocinDopamine and Norepinephrine.

Here is a list of things you can take to intensify the high of MDMA:

Here is a list of things you can do to intensify the high of MDMA:

  • Listening to music (especially with heavy bass)
  • Feeling textures like fabrics and carpet (use your imagination)
  • Smoking Cigarettes or Hookah
  • Conversations with people you like
  • Light visuals (iTunes Visualizer is a good example, lasers can also be fun)
  • Dancing and moving to music
  • Get fresh air (beware doing this in cold weather, you may not realize you’re freezing)
  • Stand in front of a fan or air conditioner
  • Massages (it doesn’t have to be dirty, but can be)
  • Petting or holding animals (snakes are great)
  • Swimming
  • Hot tubbing (watch your body temperature)
  • Talking a shower (especially after snorting MDMA – Helps dissolve the “clump”)

Here is a list of online resources that are recommended while under the influence of MDMA:

A lot of how Molly effects you depends on the environment you are in and the people you are with. If you are in a fun, familiar, safe feeling environment, with a bunch of good friends, you will have the best time of your life. If you are in a un-easy, strange environment with some people you don’t feel good about, you will want to leave more than anything, you fill feel horrible until you leave. If you drop Molly alone, you will feel anxious and antsy and very lonely, you miss conversations and crave them. Molly should be done socially to have the most fun. Be sure to stay hydrated and keep track of how much you consume. Molly can warp time, it makes it very hard to judge how long it has really been since your last dose. I recommend keeping track using a notes or spreadsheet application on your Computer, Phone or Tablet. I hope this post was helpful. Be safe and have fun, yes you can do both.